If Democracy died tomorrow, what would that look like? Did your brain automatically jump to an apocalyptic scene? Are you envisioning a place with no freedoms? Maybe a fascist regime, or something close? Did you instantly feel all the air and color leave the room? This is what I imagine when I think of Democracy’s decline. I imagine freedom of expression no longer existing. A world where everyone just falls in line to do what they’re told regardless of the outcome. Questions no longer are posed, because no one answers to the people. Joy, happiness, and prosperity are no longer considered the American dream but instead a selfish pursuit. Your opinion is handed to you in weekly broadcasts by the powers that be. Now that we have that sad picture in our minds of what the death of Democracy looks like, let’s talk about how it happens.

How is Democracy Dying?

    Most of my readers live in America. Land of the Free! The idea that Democracy is dying here to many seems unlikely, while seeming obvious to others. Regardless of where you stand on this, I think it’s important for us to explore what Democracy is. Only then can we clearly make the connection about where it’s being attacked, so we can stop the hemorrhaging. One common definition of Democracy is “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections”. With that in mind, we need to consider what supports that kind of system, and on the flip side what threatens it. I think freedom is the clear answer. More specifically freedom of speech, religion, the press, to assemble, etc. When anyone of these freedoms are interrupted they thwart our ability to elect leaders of our choosing, and to exercise our options through the courts of redress when we or our fellow citizens have been wronged.

Numerous attempts from our current administration have been made to try to walk back both our freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. From lawsuits to literally pushing back the lines where people are allowed to demonstrate, the evidence that these freedoms are under attack is clear. Assaults on the free press both physically, through the courts, as well as through various media have alarmingly demonstrated that reporting the truth is under active fire. Add to this the blurring of church and state at the federal level and it paints a picture that America may not be much longer “the land of the free” if we don’t all rise up together to demand our freedoms stay in tact, whole and unmolested.

What do we need to know to fight back?

We can start by remembering our radical roots.Remembering who we are, who we came from, and what dreams they had for us when they fought their good fight. Once we reclaim our heritage we can find our way forward stepping back onto the path of Democracy and remake the landscape of America back into that image. So what are the basic freedoms our forefathers imagined us taking hold of? In Harvey J Kaye’s book “The Fight for the Four Freedoms” he outlines those as freedom from want and fear, and freedom of speech and religion. I think these four freedoms are a great umbrella that cover a myriad of sub group issues that currently are up for constant debate. I could write a full article on each, and most likely will, but for now I’ll just touch on why protecting these four freedoms are crucial to our democracy.

The first on this list should be obvious. The freedom from want. Those who have studied history understand how the great depression literally almost killed our nation and democracy with it. When people stand in such desperate need of jobs, food, housing, medical care, and education for better employment,or quite frankly hope they lack the energy or means to take part in the democratic process of researching and voting for their local and federal candidates. The starving can’t live on ideas, they need to concentrate on what will sustain them. FDR saw this and hatched a genius plan called the New Deal, investing in the people through job creation, building up our country and thus putting democracy truly back in the hands of the people once more.

The second, freedom from fear is increasingly becoming a serious freedom under attack. We can assume a lot about what FDR meant by freedom from fear. At the time he meant a freedom from fear of any nation rising up in the armaments race as superior, thus setting them up to annihilate anyone who stood against them. Today this issue is as big, if not bigger than it was in FDR’s day. With increased technology, massive military budgets, and the rise of fascism world wide, keeping our country from being a target, or starting unnecessary wars is a constant challenge. One that must be met with dedication to lessening conflicts, not inciting them in the name of profit or power.

The third freedom to me is what keeps all the others safe from destruction. Freedom of speech. This freedom is always a partner with freedom of the press, for they cannot function without each other. The people’s right to not only speak up individually but also disperse the truth worldwide to me is the most crucial of all. Without a free press, and the individual freedom of speech Democracy simply cannot function. The people need to be free to be informed, discuss openly current issues, and speak out when they feel their rights are being violated. Without freedom of speech and freedom of the press citizens are left with no options to fight against tyrannical governments.

Last but certainly not least, freedom of religion is quite literally the hottest topic since the earth began spinning. Millions have died in defense of this right throughout the world and time. Freedom to express your religion, or lack thereof is truly how America was born. America was founded on this radical idea that no one should be able to dictate to you what you believe, or how you choose to either practice it or not. This to me signifies America’s great commitment to the individual within a community. The respect granted to every person to be who they are, as they are without interruption is truly a “divine” ideal. Only when we respect who others are can we truly unite as a community. Now that we’ve taken a little refresher on what freedoms are under siege and why they’re important to Democracy, let’s talk about what we can do individually, and as united citizens to right the ship.

What can we do about it?

    I get this question a lot. Which in itself makes me hopeful. It points to people feeling unsettled by the wrong they see in this world, and a deep desire to want to fix it. The answer I feel has three integral parts. To enact the changes we need to see, we need to do all of these things.

    First we must educate ourselves. What does that mean? It means we need to study many sources, follow current news, learn our laws, sit in on political discussions, attend debates, investigate our candidates, learn about other cultures politics, and study history. The triumphs and tragedies of history are the best teachers of all. We live in a great technological time, where we only have to look to our phones to gain wisdom. The information is waiting there if you’re diligent. Without the facts you cannot fight the forces of fascism that are out there. Make no mistake, Fascists know history. They use it as a playbook and outline for every step they make. Fascists follow the like of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. They have their mentors, you need yours.

The second way to fight for Democracy is using more semi-passive means. The internet and social media have opened up endless avenues by which we can learn, and speak out and organize with like minded individuals. I sit here at this moment literally typing out part of the way I speak out. From social media, chatrooms, blogs, email blasts, text messages, pod casts, etc we have so many ways to express our ideas to the world and to our leaders. While I highly recommend you take advantage of all of the ways to get our leaders to hear your voice, I recommend mostly the third part of the puzzle. Activism

    We just got to my favorite part. This is where I tell you to go on to all your social media, email, and phone a friend to join you as you get up, and get out there! Activism is the the most effective way to force change since government became a thing. Every single cause that has ever seen success has seen it come to fruition through demonstrating. Protests, strikes, walk outs, blockades, flyer distribution, call outs, letter distribution, pop up political art, boycotts,campaign volunteering, and of course voting all get the picture across to the powers that be that we are a government of the people, and will not be silenced. Only when we show our power and numbers do we reclaim what is ours.

Hopefully I have stirred up a little of who you are back up to the surface, and your mind is filling with ideas and radical plans of what you can do, and where you stand to make the world a better place by fighting for democracy. This article was meant merely as an opener for my discussion tomorrow on my YouTube channel ‘That’s Jacqueline” with author Harvey J. Kaye where we’ll be continuing this discussion on the what, why’s and how’s involved in our fight for Democracy. Please join us. I will leave you with this quote from Thomas Paine to stir up in your heart a desire to do your part in this struggle to keep Democracy alive for all those striving for safety and happiness worldwide. I hope to see great things come from the united efforts we all make on behalf of freedom and democracy, born of our love for each other and the world we all share.

“I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe the equality of man, and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy. But, lest it should be supposed that I believe many other things in addition to these, I shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things I do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.” — Thomas Paine, The Age Of Reason

Call To Action

Join me on my YouTube channel as I interview author Harvey J. Kaye about his very relevant books “The Fight for the Four Freedoms” and ” Thomas Paine and the Promise of America”. We’ll be having an in depth discussion on the dangers we face ahead if we don’t get back to our radical roots and insist on change. Harvey has been a very vocal voice on this issue and is sure to bring great insight on where we went wrong, and what steps we need to take to course correct. Below you’ll find the link to the That’s Jacqueline YouTube Channel and to Harvey’s Books. I suggest picking up a copy to pre-read ahead of the episode launch so you can follow along, and contribute to the conversation in chat. Schools in kids, study up and educate yourselves on our countries current plight.

Great Resources to Learn More

Death of Democracy- The Birth of an Apocalypse

The Many Faces of Elizabeth Croydon and the Puppeteers – The Evolving Summary

When Elizabeth Croydon came out with sexual harassment accusations against Shahid Buttar, I felt compelled to offer insight into what kind of person she was. Having had personal experience with her making false accusations against myself, my close friends, and acquaintances for attention and self promotion; I doubted her credibility in this claim.

I decided that I could not stand by quietly and watch as she tried to destroy a campaign for her own entertainment. I chose to speak up about my experiences and the experiences of my friends. This resulted in a six-part series that is ever-evolving due to the dozens of people who have since come forward to me through messenger, email, tweets and calls since my first article. Each person with their own story, each with the right to be heard.

While investigating Elizabeth’s claims, I had a surprising personal experience with Shahid Buttar’s former campaign manager, Jasper Wilde. This interaction brought her timing into question when she came forward with her “misogynistic claims” against Shahid. I quickly began to see a suspicious pattern evolve concerning the coordinated release to the press of claims Jasper Wilde made that were perfectly timed in concert with Elizabeth Croydon’s claims.

The article link below details how Gloria Berry was contacted by Emily Jones one of Shahid Buttar’s former staff stating that former staff and DSA members had contacted Elizabeth Croydon, and she was putting her piece on Medium. This shows the orchestration I mention forthcoming.

I have known Emily Jones for over a year, and she has always expressed hatred for Shahid Buttar behind his back. In February, I gave her a ride home one day, and to my surprise, she told me she was going to work on his campaign. She told me she needed the money, when I questioned it. I also question that, as a volunteer for the campaign, I never seemed to see her in the office doing any work. I did see her doing a lot of gossiping.- Direct quote from Gloria Berry’s Article

Many people started to come forward to me with claims about Jasper having orchestrated these claims out of malice towards Shahid. I had a personal suspicion after a conversation I had through messenger on Twitter with Jasper Wilde on July 21, 2020 that she wasn’t to be trusted. This was only confirmed when days later she claimed through a tweet to have no reason to doubt Elizabeth Croydon despite me having provided her evidence to the contrary.

Jasper Wilde intentionally misled me in messenger to believe she was still Shahid Buttar’s campaign manager. Then she intentionally misled the public into thinking she had no evidence to doubt Elizabeth. I only learned the truth when contacting Shahid’s campaign directly to inform them that I had dealings with Elizabeth Croydon that were concerning, and I had heard she was going to go public with her claims through a text she had sent to one of her prior (alleged) victims.

Given the seriousness of these claims and what they can mean for this election and the people of this county, I decided to be the voice for those who are afraid to speak for themselves. The story keeps evolving as more come forward. I have a list of people who are still asking to be heard. I’m trying to make sure no one feels like they were forgotten in this.

This summary will evolve as the stories evolve so check back here to see the updates and links I will provide.

My first public response is in the screenshot below. I chose to write a story then to elaborate on the issue that was posed when we publicly crucify the accused before gaining all the facts.

On July 25, 2020 I published my first part of a 6-part series about Elizabeth Croydon’s ever growing list of victims. I wrote about my experience with her to start.


Next came the story of my friend, the publicist, who lived in fear of Elizabeth. She chose to not release her name. It speaks about accusations she had made about a well known celebrity as well to many people.


After part 1 released, I was contacted by Stacey Haines, who had a nightmarish tale about Elizabeth Croydon sexually harassing her in the same manner Elizabeth had claimed Shahid Buttar had harassed her. Her account was almost verbatim to Elizabeth’s claims.


Stacey Haines story could almost be it’s own book and so therefore I had to continue it into part 4 just to cover the span of the abuse she (allegedly) endured under Elizabeth Croydon.


During this time, I was contacted by over two dozen more people who wanted to share their #ElizabethCroydon story. It started to feel like a movement of people speaking up who were previously afraid to speak up out of fear of retribution from Elizabeth. They all begged me to write for them what they were afraid to write for themselves. Ethos was one of those who had suffered and wanted relief. Her story is part 5.


I wish I were done with this story or that it could be done with me. However, I believe that the truth is so important — too important to ignore. Specifically when what lies in the balance is the fate of millions who will be effected by a good, progressive candidate being removed from the playing field due to false accusations. Elizabeth’s victims go beyond directly affected individuals. They also include those who won’t see progressive policies become reality if Shahid Buttar doesn’t get elected; and if those like him are terrorized out of the race by false accusers in the future. As is often the case, shortly after this, I saw another candidate Alex Morse get attacked in the same way. Here are my comments on Morse’s and Shahid’s cases being eerily similar, as well as the consequences of allowing these kinds of smear campaigns against candidates to continue.


I will be adding to the summary as I continue to cover the other stories of those that have come forward against Elizabeth Croydon and those that have come forward with information about Jasper Wilde’s intentions in launching this coordinated, politically motivated campaign hit job. Please check back for updates and leave comments about anything you think I can clarify.

For those interested in supporting my work check links below. It’s brand new and anyone who signs up I’ll be sharing bonus content of lists of those who have come forward about this story and the summary of their interviews as well as bonus YouTube videos.

Medicare for All vs. Obamacare-Why we need an upgrade

Talking points-

Financing- If you can find money to kill people you can find money to help people

Gives a fifth of the economy back to the people. No longer will Insurance Companies and big Pharma hold us hostage. *Corporate America Shakes

People are forced to gamble with their health and futures

People Stay in dead end jobs because changing jobs would mean coverage gaps. Insurance gaps kill. Preexisting conditions may not be covered by next plan.

Current Insurance carriers have no incentive to work for the publics good with no protections in place for consumers. Power strongly tilts in the favor of insurance and big pharma companies

Release of article to come next week, stay tuned and subscribe for updates….